If the tasks of sealing and leak tightness appear too complex and if you have any doubts which product to buy we will be happy to give you professional advice. The Company “Sealur” has got the Technical Support Service uniting qualified specialists who will help you in selection and installation of the products manufactured by the Company.

Technical Support Service deals with the following set of tasks:

Renders consultations on the sealing products

  • We will help you to select out of many other items “ the very” sealing that will ensure perfect leak tightness.
  • We are ready to send our specialist to the customer site to take prompt decision on the required equipment sealing.

We are able to solve specific tasks.

  • To help you in substitution of the foreign sealing products by the domestic products, find the proper way to ensure leak tightness of the newly designed and non-standard sealing units. Our specialists will conduct structural analysis and calculate the optimal tightening torque.

Commissioning and Start up  

  • We are ready to come to your site where the commissioning activities are conducted and take part in installation of sealing product made by our Company. 


  • Specialists of the Technical Support Service will supervise observance of the norms and rules of installation works for flange gaskets.

Solving Technical Tasks

To deal with a technical problem we need to obtain the following data: 
  • Geometric parameters of the sealed unit, if this is the question of the standard flange joint then one shall specify the respective standard, type, DN and pressure. If not, then one shall submit the drawing of the technological position. 
  • To select proper materials we need information about working environment and temperature 
  • Operating pressure. In combination with other parameters pressure values will allow to select the best design. 

Program SealurPRO

The Program SealurPRO is intended for selection of the sealing products from thermally expanded graphite (SNP, PUTG,PUTGm) and making an order. This is a free service, at first you need to download and install the program and register yourself. In this you accept the  Policy of personal data processing. In case of any questions send e-mail to the following address 

Download SealurPRO

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